Some books are better today

I was just looking through my list of books on Amazon and thought I should share them here for everyone. The thing is, these books are just as good, maybe even better today than before. Each link goes to my quick reviews, if you want to know more about each book, there is more information on Amazon or google them. So without further ado, here we go.


The first book is one that really made me stop and think, maybe also one of the few books that I actually couldn’t stop reading… The book is of course Papillon by Henri Charrière.

The second book did also make me think, it is pretty straight forward really and it could’ve been written by anyone in a sense. You can say this book is a list of different ways you can make your life easier and more efficient. The book is called The 4 hour work week by Timothy or Tim Ferriss.

Now to all the business and marketing books in no particular order. Each one of these books are worth your time and if you haven’t read them, you will gain quite a lot from them. The names should give you an idea of what each book is about and you’ll find more info on the respective link.

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference By Malcolm Gladwell

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie


These books above, in this post, will make a difference in your life. That is if you actually read them. As with most things in life, they will make a difference if you let them and if you make the changes you want. The least I can do is promise you that it will be worth your time reading them. If not, let me know.

As always, thank you for visting.

Bentley Continental GTC in Northern Sweden

A couple of weeks ago we went on a road trip with a Bentley Continental GT Convertible and a Tesla Model 3. We thought we should try the Bentley in a cold climate and actually use the car as intended.

Most people don’t use their cars fully, especially not a convertible so this was a good test for the car and for us as well.

A couple of years ago I drove a convertible from Los Angeles, California to Las Vegas, Nevada. That car was not made for cold weather and in Nevada, it was probably just above zero degrees Celcius so it was quite an adventure, especially at night. Anyways, the Bentley was something else… You can see how technology has changed lately, some aspects of driving is so different now and not to mention the comfort neck heaters, great sound and so on.

Some pictures below…

Bentley Daniel Bramme jämtland
Bentley Daniel Bramme
Bentley at night Daniel Bramme
cottage outside
Bentley Daniel Bramme
Bentley gtc Bramme
bentley luxury car

Above are some pictures from the trip. If you have a convertible, please try to use it as much as possible, I promise it is worth it.

Thanks for visiting. I will soon release a lot of articles regarding film investments and extraordinary visas to the UK and the US.

Drones and the DJI Mavic Air 2

This is probably old news for you and maybe out of context here on my site but for anyone who hasn’t tried flying a drone lately, things have changed, quite drastically. It is pretty cool how well drones work nowadays, especially with the help of AI and the different ways a drone can be used today. Even with small sensors, the quality is simply great.

So this summer I took my Mavic Air 2 to Sandhamn during a boat trip. I took the drone to a safe altitude and selected the boat on the screen and pressed “GO”. Instantly the drone started following the boat and it did this surprisingly well.

I’ve added the video above to show you actually how good it did following the boat. The only thing I changed was the altitude and even this was handled better than expected, it compensated this with increased speed and so on. Just as an old school helicopter…

I never thought I would write a post about a drone but here I am, writing about a drone. If you have some money over and plan on using a drone, the Mavic Air 2 is highly recommended.

You can find one on Amazon below or why not on the official DJI site.

DJI Service LLC
Buy on Amazon

I know, this is a shameless plug for DJI but the drone really is that good. Not only is the drone itself just pure quality but the footage it gets with that little camera is pure and so easy to work with. Just make sure to use the drone if you buy one.

Selling your film - Best practices

Let's talk about how to best sell your film (or another product for that matter). Before we begin, I recommend everyone to have some idea of where your product will end up before you go into production. You can find an extensive article with the basics around how you can sell your film or why not join me on youtube for future talks about the entertainment industry, tips and ideas.


Investors, banks and film distribution companies that could potentially be investing in/or distribute your film are best approached when you have an understanding of the fundamentals around investing but also quality and may I say, longelivity of your project.

Understanding that whoever invest, buy or distribute your film makes their choice depending on IF they feel it is a good deal or IF they like you and trust you. This is fundamental in all business decisions and probably the most important fact you need to surrender to, fast.

I don't know how many times I've had to explain why I'm not interested in a project. Every time this happens I shut it down completely, it is extremely annoying. I will come back to this a few times in this post; You will get rejected but you can choose how and if you will have a second shot or not.

Another very important thing to understand is to keep quality in everything official you send out to a third party. Make sure you present a high quality proposal to the intended viewer. By making sure you present something you're proud of, you don't have to go back and rework the material or explain yourself. If something needs rework after you’re proud and sure of what you send out, I'm sure it’s not going to be anything time consuming.

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Have a strategy

Have a plan. Do everything well and seriously, have a long term strategy.

One of the most common things I see when receiving a proposal or treatment is that there is not much done in terms of planning. It happens that I see strategic partnerships and other great things in the proposal, however those proposals are far and few between. The number of quality proposals are few and if you do the extra work, it will be valuable and maybe even a nice surprise for anyone reading it.

Most films are not being made and the reason is quite simple. There is probably no strategy in place and no plan and definitely no quality behind the script or idea. Usually, the team expects everyone to love the project and that is mostly not the case. Always go in open-minded and never love your project to much. I’m going to touch on that a few times in this post.

Another reason films are not being made is when someone comes with an idea or a script with no substance like LOI's or again, a plan. That makes it so much more time-consuming for anyone involved and that means, most of the time, no film or series will be made. You see, if you put some effort into a project you’ll be able to show that to potential investors or partners, that’s when magic happens.

As with all businesses, you have to get out and get your hands dirty. Show how you work and get people interested by actually doing yourself. By doing, people will have a clear picture and goal of where you want to go or at least feel confident you actually believe in the project. Assure your potential investors or partners that you are experienced and have done more than they expect. Get out and make something with your project before you ask someone for help or interest. If this is hard, because it can be, ask a colleague or friend in the industry to help you out.

Do your homework and plan ahead

Do some research, get your hands on information, most of it is public and free for everyone so it shouldn’t be too hard. Or use Google, you’ve heard that enough times to know what it is, especially if you read this.

By homework, I mean, understand the industry and get some knowledge of the different areas, you don’t want to give people the wrong impression. Start by finding out who you have in your circle that could potentially introduce you or to be frank, partner up with you. If you can find people working with distribution, purchasing or licensing you’ll have a head start. You can ask them if they know someone looking for the kind of content you are attempting to produce but please do not sell before you actually have something.

Let’s say you want to work with a studio, a well known one of course but you’re making a $250k feature - chances are quite high, they aren’t the right fit for you. Going to the bigger ones would be a mistake. However, it’s important to get in front of the gate keepers and early on without asking for their interest but instead interest from someone in their connections or company. It is not necessary to get a green light, the value is in getting a professional opinion on your project or early work. Do not ask for a favour before you’ve actually done something or have something tangible, source future contacts.

What you really should be doing is planning for the future. Find out who is the players and who has the ability to green light projects or make major decisions. Know who they are and talk to them before you ask for a favour or want to partner up with them. This can also be smaller production companies and distributors that are on the rise or are about to release several films during a year. These people and companies can be extremely valuble, not only do they have answers to most of your questions but they can also be easier to run down ideas with. The same goes with sales agents, talk to them don’t be lazy.

Do not wait

All to often filmmakers stand by until a film is wrapped before talking with buyers and distribution companies, while this can work in rare or some cases, this is usually a big mistake for a few reasons. When a film is done shooting it’s “best before date” is starting to count down. Sure, not every movie has a best before date but for a distribution company or sales agent, this makes their job much more difficult. They want to be involved in the process and production as early as possible to be able to market and plan for the release of the movie. This is not the case for the $250k feature we took as an example above.

A way of getting around this little obstacle with finshed films is to bundle them up with new productions or movies not yet produced in order to get a reasonable price for the “old“ one and be able to finance the new ones. This is not always possible but can be a viable option if you don’t have any other ways to go about selling the film.

Another important part of selling your movie is to start early with the key players. Make sure to have a solid PR strategy ready and put effort and resources into this. Don’t be cheap, this will prove to be your greatest asset in the end.

If you can show people (specifically those who drive returns) and make them excited about your production before you head in to principal photography, this will help you in the long run and this can be done with good PR. Selling your film doesn’t have to be hard.


As with most things in life, planning makes things easier, not easy but easier. Since the process of how you sell your film is so critical to your production and to be frank, your future career, I thought it might be good to write a more basic version as well. So as soon as possible, I’ll start with that one and post the link here when it is done.

I hope you learned something new and got a few ideas after reading this. If you want to know more, feel free to join me on youtube where I’ll bring you with me on meetings and talk about the entertainment industry.

Thanks for visiting!

Visiting Jonny Westling

Last week I paid a visit to my friend Jonny Westling. Jonny works as a valuer and has a really impressive career and knowledge in valuation of high value items, gems, watches, paintings and everything in between. Every single time I see him I learn something new about valuation.

When I arrived in his office he just finished a valuation so I got to learn about how to see if a diamond is real and what quality it is, Jonny also showed me the different ways you cut a diamond. It is really interesting and the more you learn, the more you know how little you know. I guess that saying or fact goes with everything but in valuation it is very true, everything has value and a story.

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I took some photos during a quick check on some jewelry. Jonny also mentioned the importance of doing a valuation to be sure that what you own actually is valued with a certificate and in the end, insured. Jonny is an expert but explains so anyone can understand, important when dealing with valuable items.

If you want anything valued, I can highly recommend Jonny Westling at Westling Värdering. Now this became some kind of ad for Jonny. I’m sure he doesn’t mind. ;)

That was all for today and as usual thanks for visiting!