Women in Film: numbers and a forecast

First and foremost, 'the film industry' is changing; It has gone from being a mans world to being a more open minded and inclusive industry. However, while things are being more open and inclusive, there are still reports saying that female film makers were in decline during early 2014 and the sexism doesn't seem to stop anytime soon. This post will be about women in film and while things are not good today, things are definitely going in the right direction even though it is with very small steps.

I will write about other types of inequality, because i feel that´s the essence of what we are talking about here. I thought I should shed some light on the issues we face as well as reasons to why it is so important to start talking about "it". This will probably be subject I will have reason to come back to later on as a series where I follow up on the progress from time to time, maybe one or two times a year.

In the past

When we talk about women working in film in the past, it has most often been women working as actresses and without giving any thought to the active women behind the camera. Surely film productions in the past were primarily run by men but even today, we have a hard time naming female directors, female photographers and women in other prominent positions. Like with most industries, women has been in the background, not invited to take the lead and not invited to grow if they for some reason had the opportunity to grab a seat at the table, they would face serious obstacles with men and women working against them. I will not focus on the many reasons for this but instead focus on the economic aspects and positive sides of the industry.

Some statistics

First some statistics... Look at the picture below, one of the six pictures states something extremely obvious but something the production companies, distributors and market has completely forgot about or maybe don´t care about? Women purchase half of the tickets sold in the U.S. and most definitely the same numbers around the world. So how can it be that 50% of the market has been neglected for so long? Not only are women a economically strong demographic, they also tend to attract a wider audience, which in turn could mean a higher return of investment.

statistics women in film

The start of something new

Let´s continue; In recent years we've started to see a strong positive change in women in the film industry. Incentives and funds directed towards women help productions getting closer to their goals and actually being made and what otherwise would be close to impossible has become more doable and frequent. More women are becoming influential and are now getting recognition in many parts of the world. It's not perfect but still, it is a great improvement. Today women can be in the front row of the film industry and even if its not common, it is not something uncommon like before.

The film industry is though and still very much dominated by men but things are starting to even out. If you take a look at what is going on below the surface, you will see that things are better than yesterday and that is good reason to continue the work. I believe we all benefit from a diverse and open minded industry, not only in film but in all industries.

There is so many women worth mentioning in 'the industry' and some that will probably be worth mentioning soon enough; I'll wait with a list until I have more time and more coffee. I guess that will be some work to put together especially in 2016 when many movies will be directed by women, or at least, that's what I hope.

woman behind bars

The difference between Sweden and the U.S.

While I write about women in film I could explain the simple difference between America and Sweden, in terms of equality in film. Since I live in Los Angeles nowadays it is nice to see how influential women are here. In Sweden we are trying to make everything go fast and efficient. It is not always we succeed, some things takes time. Getting women integrated and influential in a business so dominated by men are not an easy feat and cannot be forced without creating opposition, which is sad. Click here for an update in 2016 and here for an update in 2017.

Swedish film are opening up incentives for women, some help, some don't. Some force not so experienced women to take on roles that might scare them off, however, someone needs to be first and in this case, there is nothing right or wrong as long it is progressing steadily. Wrong would be not to encourage women to take on projects and not to give them help.

Still, in my opinion, the american film industry has made a more natural transition and in that way helped women to discover role models or to try, to take a leading role and start new collaborations. Not because they are "forced" but because they want to and can. I believe we all need someone or something to push us in the right direction once in a while, especially for something important as gender equality. The issue are in all forms and industries, creative or not.

There are a few things film Schools could do. Take more responsibility and introduce new role models, female directors and film producers that bring change instead of Ingmar Bergman or the old ones, they have their place in history but in order to bring change, we need something new introduced.

Change is coming, slowly, sooner rather than later and we will see change, not in a general term but in the mentality of people. In a not to distant future, things are going to be somewhat equal, in a few countries at least. Film and TV is changing, so are gender equality.

Feel free to learn more about the work women does in film and how society affects the industry on the sites below:

Thank you for visiting.

GETTING TO YES - Roger F., William U. and Bruce P.

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
By Fisher, Roger, Ury, William L., Patton, Bruce

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton is about a method called principled negotiation or "negotiation of merits" to overcome some obstacles when negotiating. The book is focusing on the psychology of negotiation in a method called "principled negotiation". What it means is to find acceptable solutions by determining which needs are fixed and which are flexible for negotiators. This is something everyone should learn and as with many other things in life, this can be applied everywhere, in many different situations.

This is a best seller that should be read by everyone. This book was actually given to several school districts in the U.S to help students learn "non-adversarial bargaining". If you should read one book about negotiating, look no further, this is the one.

Interview: Swedish Scene

I had the pleasure to be interviewed by the Magazine, Swedish Scene about my career choices in the film industry in Europe and the U.S. Some really interesting questions and it's always fun to give some ideas and tips of how to navigate the film industry. Swedish Scene talks about everything around Swedish Culture and a lot of what is going on in Washington DC.

Please click the link to the interview below, happy reading.

The link is dead unfortunately, I’ll keep this up as a sweet little memory.

Interview with Daniel Bramme about his career in Hollwood.

Daniel Bramme in Hollywood Hills

Working between time zones

For those of us who has a career where we are needed in different time zones or for those of you who just want to be updated or in the loop. If you for different reasons need to be active when you should be sleeping; Here is a few tips on how to stay ahead and being effective while traveling or working between time zones. Next time I´ll write about the dreadful jet lag.

Before starting, the real issue with working between time zones are us not being available. We cannot be available all the time and nowadays we are used to be constantly catered to. Instant gratification and instant availability, the "open 24/7 mentality" is constant in our minds and shapes how we work and live our daily lives. What is far more important to remember than time zones is how you want it to shape you and how you want to live with it.

First it's important to asses your situation, what market or industry are you in? Where is your head quarters located (if you have one) and how important is it, really, to be available anytime, everywhere? The risks involved of being constantly available is simply to not have enough time to actually work and get stuff done. You might even walk straight into the well known wall. The risk we don´t talk about is of course your health but you know that. With the right tools, you can be highly efficient while being away or working with a team in another time zone, all this while being calm and "healthy".

AM-PM help for anyone who needs it.

AM-PM help for anyone who needs it.


What is your reason for being available. Sure, if there are time pressing issues to be dealt with, then being around is not a bad idea. For things that can be handled with an e-mail; Getting up earlier or going to bed later is a valid option. How important is it to be available for you or the success of the project? That is the first question to ask yourself, how important is it?

Learn AM/PM and if you are a non-European, understand the 24:H clock. Also, get up to speed with the time zones. Study the basics of time zones and the difference between key cities. New York to London, London to Shanghai and so on. This will help you a great deal.

Click on the picture to get an updated map.

Click on the picture to get an updated map.

Use tools to be more effective in judging if you can call someone or if can expect an answer to your e-mail. One good resource is the image below of a time-zone map that is updated as long as earth is spinning. It´s not perfect but gives you an idea of what the time is on the other side of the globe.

Be pro-active and write your emails or work ahead of time so that your client, manager or potential business partner can have an answer in the morning. This requires you to "slightly" change your sleeping habits. If this works for you, great! If not, don´t worry, there are other ways of being productive like scheduling your work.

Schedule your work and be in constant update on what´s going on on the other time zone. Keep a weekly update or make it easy to be updated on a daily basis and let people know when they can expect answers from you.

I hope these few steps will help you sort out your time zone problems as well being a bit more effective in what you do. If you don't understand or if you think this can be improved in any way, please feel free to get in contact with me through comments or suggestions via e-mail.

For more information about this, please check out both Inc. and Fast Company´s articles about this subject.

Five tips to manage a team across different time zones

How to work when your team is scattered across time zones

Thanks for reading and have a great day over there. Click here if Jet-Lag is more your thing, I wrote a quick piece about it.

The 4-Hour Workweek - Timothy Ferriss

"The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss is close to being a self-help book but with a twist. It deals with what Ferriss refers to as "lifestyle design" and repudiates the traditional life plan in which people work long hours and take few vacations in order to save money and relax after retirement. I wouldn't call this self help, I would rather call it a blueprint of what you can do with your time, you don't have to do anything but if something in the book can be applied to your situation, then use it. I was a bit skeptical at first but when you start to understand what Timothy is trying to say with each chapter, it is a nice book to read.

I wouldn't say that every chapter is for everyone, however, the mentality can be used in everyday life. The book is essentially a list of problems and different ways you can overcome them by using, internet, contacts and so on. This book can change your life in the long run and could potentially help you make big positive change in a short time frame. The smart thing about every book you read is that you, as a reader, can decide what to focus on, the same rules apply for this book and if you use that correctly and look for things that could simplify your life, then this can be a great book for you.