Daniel Bramme: Film Producer | Investor | Animal and Environment Advocate

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Going back to some of my old posts

Welcome my little friend! In this post, I am going through a few older posts that might be interesting. To be honest, this is just a post to keep the old posts from being too old so, if you want to take a trip down memory lane, you’ve come to the right place.


These posts in the list below are some interviews I hope could be interesting for anyone looking to work in the U.S or maybe the film and entertainment industry. I also

posts about women in the film industry

Below are a few articles and posts about the situation for women working in film. I started looking at the issues as “early” as 2013/14 but started talking about it later. However, while these articles are a bit old, the industry is still facing challenges. It is better but it can be much better. The same goes for minorities represented in film and entertainment. The more I write about it here, the more I think I should start writing about it more now. Anyways, before I do that, below are some links for you to take a look at.

Women in film 2016
Women in film, the first half of 2017
Women in Film, facts numbers, and a forecast

some old interviews

Time really flies, here are two interviews from different times and about different subjects, one made in Stockholm and the other one in the office in Los Angeles.

Tastemaker Collective

A discussion about the California film & tv tax credit

I was very much interested and followed (lobbied) the Film & Tax credit in California. I guess everyone active in the industry during that time and even more now was involved in one way or another. I had quite a lot of contact and kept myself and my colleagues updated with news regarding the tax incentives. Tax incentives are nothing we are familiar with in Sweden, however, it does help… A lot… It creates so many job opportunities and can grow the economy fast in many different areas, I don’t know why we are so slow in Sweden but I’ll leave that question to other people.

The Film & TV tax credit in California

A post about time zones (actually some good ideas here)

And what is a post about old posts without the typical Time Zone article? This article is actually not too bad and has some nice ideas and tips that can help people traveling a lot (post Covid of course) or working between different time zones.

Working between time zones


Like I said, this is a post about old posts. So nothing everyone will be interested in but I thought it was a good time to go back and take a look. Some subjects are still performing today and I got some new ideas on what to write about in future articles.

Thank you for visiting my site and if you want to say hi, talk with me on Youtube, Instagram or LinkedIn.

See this gallery in the original post