The launch of Spacex - Falcon Heavy

So the Falcon Heavy launch was a success today and with that a commercially viable system for space exploration has been launched as well. This is a great feat and a big step towards a more economic space launch system than before. In the long run, this will make space exploration  a bit more environmentally friendly and that is a nice addition as well.

The reason to why this is a such a big step forward towards space tourism and potential colonization of the moon and maybe Mars is because of the many applications a system like this will have. The main reason is because it has the potential to be cheaper for the customer to use but it is also an investment with a potentially huge payback for Spacex. Imagine having to buy a new car after each costumer as an Uber driver, even if you got enough money per trip to sustain that business it would not be a viable option for your clients (or you). The only reason to why space tourism and satellite launches are so expensive is simply because there has not been any way to re-use a rocket (except for the Space Shuttle that was decommissioned in July 21, 2011) and this has now changed. You can read more about the possibilities this gives space exploration on

When Falcon Heavy lifted off, it became the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 m...

I wrote a post about Spacex in 2017 about the potential they have and how they work with re-usability. One thing I would love to see in the future is to have people not usually interested in space exploration or space in general to acknowledge and getting more interested in the incredible work behind these rockets. We might not see this now but this launch is one small but important step for future science in medicine, environment, economy and overall stability in the world.

Thanks for your time.